ICCL members are regulators and policy-makers dealing with contaminated land management. The network is open to any organisation at national or regional level being responsible for bridging from science to policy, legislation and implementation. Since having been established in Vienna (Austria) by November 1993, representatives from around 70 countries and more than 150 organisations have been exchanging within the ICCL.
ICCL meetings: participating countries and organisations in 2011, 2013, 2017 and 2019
Country | Organisation |
Albania | Environment Agency |
Algeria | Ministère de l'Aménagement du Territoire et de l'Environnement |
Argentina | Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica |
Argentina | Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable |
Argentina | Government of the Province of Neuquen |
Australia | CRC CARE Cooperative Research Centre for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment |
Australia | Environment Protection Agency South Australia |
Australia | Environment Protection Authority Victoria |
Austria | EAA - Environment Agency Austria |
Austria | Federal Minstry of Environment |
Belgium | OVAM - Public Waste Agency of Flanders |
Belgium | SPAQUE sa |
Belgium | SPW - Public Administration of Wallonia |
Brasilia | CETESB - Companhia Ambiental do Estado de São Paulo |
Canada | Environnement Canada |
Canada | Université du Québec |
Canada | Ministère du Dévelopment durable, de l'Environnement et des Parcs du Québec |
Canada | Ministry of Environment - British Columbia |
Canada | Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada |
Canada | Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change - Ontario |
Chile | Conama Chile |
Chile | Ministry of Environment |
Chile | Fundación Chile |
China | Ministry of Environmental Protection - Division Soil Environmental Management |
China | Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences |
China | Chinese Academy of Science, Institute of Soil Science |
Colombia | Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible - Colombia |
Colombia | R3 Environmental Technology - Pure Earth Colombia |
Colombia | Novambientti Soluciones Ambientales |
Colombia | Responsable Care Columbia |
Croatia | Environment Agency |
Cyprus | Geological Survey |
Czech Republic | Ministry of Environment |
Denmark | Ministry of Environment |
Denmark | Environmental Protection Agency |
Denmark | Danish Regions |
Denmark | IHPA - International HCH & Pesticides Association |
Ecuador | Ministerio del Ambiente |
Egypt | Environmental Affairs Agency |
El Salvador | Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources |
Estonia | Ministry of Environment |
Finland | Ministry of Environment |
Finland | SYKE - Finnish Environment Institute |
Finland | Åland Islands Environment and health authority |
France | BRGM - Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières |
France | Ministry of Environment |
Germany | Federal Ministry for the Environment |
Germany | GIZ - German Agency for International Development |
Germany | Environment Agency |
Germany | Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources |
Hungary | Ministry for Rural Development, State Secratery for Environment |
India | Ganga Pollution Control Unit |
Indonesia | Ministry for the Environment |
Ireland | Environmental Research Institute, University College Cork |
Israel | Ministry of Environmental Protection |
Italy | Ispra Ambiente |
Japan | Nizuho Information & Research Institute |
Jordan | Ministry of Environment |
Kuwait | Institute For Scientific Research |
Latvia | Ministry of the Environment |
Lithuania | Geological Survey |
Luxembourg | Administration de l'Environnement |
Macedonia | Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning |
Madagascar | Research Ministry |
Malaysia | Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment |
Mexico | Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources |
Mexico | SEMARNAT - Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales |
Montenegro | Environment Protection Agency |
Morocco | Ministère Energie, Mines, Eau et Environnement |
Netherlands | Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment |
Netherlands | SIKB - Stichting Infrastructuur Kwaliteitsborging Bodembeheer |
New Zealand | Manager Land and Coastal Remediation at Auckland Council |
Nigeria | NOSDRA - National Oil Spill Detection and Response Agency |
Norway | Climate and Pollution Agency |
Norway | Environment Authority |
Peru | MINAM - Ministry for Environment |
Peru | Pure Earth |
Peru | Lamor Corporation |
Peru | Global Alliance on Health and Pollution |
Peru | CINCIA - Centro de Innovacion Cientifica Amazonica |
Peru | IAAP - Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonía |
Philippines | Environmental Management Bureau |
Poland | Ministry of Environment |
Poland | National Centre for Research and Development |
Portugal | University of Aveiro |
Portugal | Agencia Portuguesa do Ambiente |
Republic of Korea | Kwangwoon University |
Republic of Korea | Korean Environment Institute |
Republic of Korea | Korea Environment Corporation |
Republic of Korea | Ministry of Environment |
Romania | Environment Protection Agency |
Russia | Moscow State University, Faculty of Soil Science |
Russia | Rostov’s University |
Serbia | Ministry for Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning |
Serbia | Geological Survey |
Serbia | Environmental Protection Agency |
Singapore | National Environment Agency |
Slovakia | Comenius University in Bratislava |
Slovakia | Ministry for Environment |
Slovenia | Ministry for Environment |
South Africa | Department of Water Affairs |
South Africa | Department of Public Works |
South Africa | African Institute |
South Africa | Department of Environmental Affairs |
Spain | IHOBE - Basque Country Government |
Spain | Murcia Region Government |
Spain | Waste Agency of Catalonia |
Sweden | Environmental Protection Agency |
Switzerland | FOEN - Federal Office for the Environment |
Taiwan | Environmental Protection Administration |
Taiwan | Sinotech Engineering Consultants, Inc. |
Thailand | Industrial Waste Water Division |
Tunisia | MEDD - Agence tunisienne pour la protection de l'environnement |
Turkey | Ankara Metropolitan Municipality |
Turkey | Ondokuz Mayıs University |
United Kingdom | DEFRA - Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs |
United Kingdom | Environment Agency England & Wales |
United Kingdom | University of Brighton |
Uruguay | Direccion Nacional de Medio Ambiente |
USA | The Navajo Nation EPA Superfund |
USA | Blacksmith Institute |
USA | Tetra Tech, Inc. |
USA | U.S. EPA - Environmental Protection Agency |
Vietnam | Environment Administration |
Organisation/Field | Unit |
Network | Common Forum on Contaminated Land in Europe |
European Commission | European Commission |
European Environment Agency | European Environment Agency |
European JRC | European Joint Research Centre |
FAO | FAO / Land and Soil resources |
NICOLE Europe | NICOLE CF contact point / BP Remediation Management |
NICOLE South Africa | NICOLE SA chair / DOW Chemical remediation manager |
NICOLE Brazil | NICOLE Brazil Chair / SURF Brazil / DUPONT HSEQ South America |
RESEARCH | CABERNET Concerted Action on Brownfield and Economic Regeneration Network, University of Nottingham |
Funders network | SOILveR platform |
UNIDO | UNIDO South Africa |
World Health Organisation WHO | WHO / Environment and health unit |
World Bank | Latin America Region |